Friday, October 24, 2008

Current Economic Recession

Economic Recession: A Wake Up Call

Economic recession is an event that nobody seems to be happy hearing. Every time
recession is being mentioned in casual conversations, it seems that everybody
participating shudder in fear anticipating the worst.

An economic recession is an economic slowdown that happens in two consecutive
quarters. Some economists would say that this is associated with series of
events that generally recognized to be “market correction”. What is this series
of events?

An economic recession happens when there is more supply than the actual demand
of the product. This leads to a decline in the gross domestic product. What
happens during economic recession is that it provides a “cooling off” period for
creating on new products that will interest the consumers and of necessity.

When compared to agriculture, it is common sense among farmers that the land
needs an time interval between the harvesting season and next planting season.
Sometimes farmers would plant a different kind of seed that is known to bring
and enrich the land again for the next planting season. Somehow this applies in
financial and trade markets.

Some businesses would see economic recession as the time to reinvent. Time to
innovate and create new products that will create a market hype and again will
encourage consumers to purchase goods. Many businesses who have switched their
attention in innovating during economic recessions show high probabilities of

Since there is a large selection of products in market trying to capture the
unmindful consumers, the period of recession accelerates the quality of products
being available in the market. Since companies are trying to get the consumer’s
money, they would likely to produce improved product quality, improved services
at lower prices.

Since there are products that would not sell, this would push companies and
sellers to inspect their production methods. This is a good time in filtering
out production methods and equipment that compromises the quality, efficiency
and speed of creating products.

An economic recession also serves as a wake-up call for everyone to have a
balanced spending. Everyone gets a heads-up about keeping saving accounts
updated and saving for any event in the future. Unfortunately, some people may
learn their lesson in the hard way. There would be some who would be declaring
bankruptcy, while in worst cases, there are people who would choose to end their
lives. Economic recession would be a good time to rethink a person’s finances.

Some considerable benefits of economic recession is low housing prices. Unless,
your in the business of selling houses, low prices is not a good news. However,
if you are somebody who is planning on investing and buying a property, a period
of recession will help you have the choices that you want. It is also a good
time to look for investment properties.

Housing prices are not the only one who has low prices, company stocks are oven
undervalued during economic recession. A person who is looking for long time
stock investment, recession periods would have stocks that are undervalued
because a lot of stock holders are more into selling that acquiring stocks.

MarketWatch mentioned other gains from an economic slowdown. MarketWatch
mentioned that this would serve as a wake-up call for overconfident consumers
and sellers who are missing out the importance of balancing finance. And also
this would serve as a wake- up call for government to have a stricter finance
budget since there will be cutback in the country’s revenues.

Although economic
is considered a negative event, it is time to turn the negative
event into a positive situation. It is time to wake up.


Causes of Economic Recession

Behind the Hitch: The Causes of Economic Recession

An economic situation in which a country’s gross domestic product or output is
sustaining a negative growth for at least two consecutive quarters or six months
is called an economic recession. For the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),
“recession is a significant decline in economic activity lasting more than a few

Economic recession lasts for eleven months and may reach until two years. While
a recession that is short lived is called economic correction. Meanwhile a
sustained recession turns into a depression.

What causes recessions to happen?

There are complex reasons as well as simple reasons why
economic recessions
happen. John Maynard Keynes states that there are “animal spirits” as driving
elements for a recession. “Animal spirits” could be confidence, uncertainty, and
pessimism. These “animal spirits” prevent objectivity and quantitative analysis.

An example where these “animal spirits” take over, is when consumers lose
interest on products and outputs. On the eve of an economic recession, there
will be overproduction. Supply will exceed the demands of products and goods.

This will push companies to increase prices and consumers will lose confidence
and will be uncertain in purchasing products. Until the event that consumers
will stop buying. Another example for this element driving recession will be the
psychological impact the events of the September 11 attacks on consumers and the

Some economists suggest that recession may not only be caused by events that
have large or huge impact on the people. Events that hurt particular companies
or industries can also cause recession. Major innovations or change in a price
of a major component needed in the completion of the product can have dramatic
effects on some firms. These may cause reduction of workers or production.

Overconsumption can also be a cause of recession. Spending more that what is
necessary may lead to recession and poverty. And example will be the major fuss
over the expenditure of the United States in the Iraq war. Economists are saying
that the United States should be careful with their consumption in the future.

Government economic policies can be used to avoid economic recession. But
failure to provide good economic policies can lead to recession. There are some
errors that can be made in economic policies. There are some economic policies
that can lead to a boom and bust. This means that the economy is running in an
unsustainable pace. Inflation is increasing.

Another policy error is that the policymakers themselves are not attentive
enough to see the increasing inflation and onset of recession. Policymakers
often times regard the onset of recession as just a slow economic growth and
will correct themselves. But failure to address this may lead to more economic

Economic recession is not just a United States issue. The United Nations
expressed an alarm that there might be a global economic recession as early as
January 2008. According to United Nations, world economic growth for 2008 is
estimated to be on 3.4 percent, flowing from the down trend since 2006 (3.9
percent) and 2007 (3.7 percent).

The bursting of the housing market bubble of the United States and the unfolding
credit crisis of other countries are some contributing factors for a global
recession. Currently, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are in risk of experiencing
economic recession due to credit crisis.

To summarize, economic recession can be brought about by external as well as
internal economic shocks and widening imbalances in the economy. Numerous ways
can cause recession. Steps can be undertaken to avoid altogether this kind of
economic scenario to happen. But the most difficult part is to recover from the
impacts of this economic turmoil.